Publications about Encontech
- Isobare expansiemotor heeft alleen restwarmte nodig. September 17, 2019.
- Jim Heirbaut. Machine gaat verspilling van restwarmte tegen. Waarde uit warmte. De ingenieur, September 2019, pp. 29,30.
- P. Bliek. Nieuwe warmte-gedreven pomp. Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor pompen, compressie, koeling en electriciteitsproductie. Symposium. Duurzame energie uit de bodem: hoe, wat en waar? Universiteit Twente. 19 september 2018. .
- van Wijck. Veelzijdige warmteomzetting. – Techniek & Wetenschap in perspectief. 15november 2018.
- Leo de Ridder. Nieuwe warmtemotor zoekt uitdagend aandrijfprobleem. Aandrijftechniek. Juni 2015.
- J. van den Berg. Nieuw motorconcept voor pompaandrijving. PompNL, september 2015, pp.14,15.
- Doorbraak in de chemische technologie. Glouchenkovs reactor is honderd tot duizend keer kleiner en is veel zuiniger met energie. SenterNovem Monitor 1 – 2007. p.11
Our Publications
- A. Kronberg, M. Glushenkov, S. Roosjen, S. Kersten. Isobaric Expansion Engines–Compressors: Thermodynamic Analysis of Multistage Vapor Driven Compressors. Energies 2023, 16, 6791.
- N. Mügge, A. Kronberg, M. Glushenkov, E. Y. Kenig. Untersuchung überlagerter Effekte von Druckverlust und Totvolumen durch Rekuperation am isobaren Expansionsmotor. Chem. Ing. Tech. 2023, 95, No. 5, 681–691.
- A. Kronberg, M. Glushenkov, S. Roosjen and S. Kersten. Isobaric Expansion Engine Compressors: Thermodynamic Analysis of the Simplest Direct Vapor-Driven Compressors. Energies 2022, 15, 5028.
- S. Roosjen, M. Glushenkov, A. Kronberg, S. Kersten. Waste Heat Recovery Systems with Isobaric Expansion Technology Using Pure and Mixed Working Fluids. Energies 2022, 15, 5265.
- M. Glushenkov, A. Kronberg. Experimental study of an isobaric expansion engine-pump – Proof of concept. Applied Thermal Engineering 212 (2022) 118521,
- N. Mügge, A. Kronberg, M. Glushenkov, V. Inguva, E. Y. Kenig. A Thermal Model for Recuperative Heat Engines Operating with Dense Working Fluids. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, 96, 175-180. DOI:10.3303/CET2296030.
- N. Mügge, A. Kronberg, M. Glushenkov and E. Y. Kenig. On heat regeneration limitations in heat engines with dense working fluids. HEAT POWERED CYCLES 2021 Conference Proceedings, Published by Heat Powered Cycles. June 16, 2022. Edited by Prof. Dr. Roger R. Riehl, pp. 72-87.
- A. Kronberg, M. Glushenkov. Piston compressors driven by isobaric expansion heat engines. HEAT POWERED CYCLES 2021 Conference Proceedings, Published by Heat Powered Cycles. June 16, 2022. Edited by Prof. Dr. Roger R. Riehl, pp. 572-586.
- S. Roosjen, M. Glushenkov, A. Kronberg and S.R.A. Kersten. Waste heat recovery systems with isobaric expansion technology using pure and mixed working fluids. HEAT POWERED CYCLES 2021 Conference Proceedings, Published by Heat Powered Cycles. June 16, 2022. Edited by Prof. Dr. Roger R. Riehl, pp. 102 – 116.
- Y. Slotboom, S. Roosjen, A. Kronberg, M. Glushenkov, S.R.A. Kersten. Methane to ethylene by pulsed compression. Chemical Engineering Journal 414 (2021) 128821.
- A. Kronberg, M. Glushenkov, T. Knoke, E. Y. Kenig. Theoretical limits on the heat regeneration degree.. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 161, November 2020, 120282.
- M. Glushenkov, E. Kenig, A. Kronberg, N. Mügge. Wärmegetriebene Motoren. Eine neuartige, innovative Lösung für Pumpen und Kompressoren. CITplus, 5. 2019 pp.1-3.
- Maxim Glushenkov, Alexander Kronberg, Torben Knoke and Eugeny Y. Kenig. Isobaric Expansion Engines: New Opportunities in Energy Conversion for Heat Engines, Pumps and Compressors. Energies 2018, 11(1), 154, 8 January 2018.
- Torben Knoke, Eugeny Y. Kenig, Alexander Kronberg, Maxim Glushenkov. Model-based Analysis of Novel Heat Engines for Low-Temperature Heat Conversion. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 57, 2017.
- M. Glushenkov, A. Kronberg, Th.H. vd Meer. Liquid compression chemical reactors. Natural Gas Conversion Symposium 10, 2-7 March 2013, Doha, Qatar.
- S. Roosjen, Th. vd Meer, M. Glushenkov, A. Kronberg. Pyrolysis and Dry Reforming of Methane. Natural Gas Conversion Symposium 10, 2-7 March 2013, Doha, Qatar.
- Maxim Glushenkov, Martin Sprenkeler, Alexander Kronberg, Valeriy Kirillov. Single-piston alternative to Stirling engines. Applied Energy 97, 2012.
- T. Roestenberg, B. Custers, M.J. Glushenkov, A.E. Kronberg, Th.H. van der Meer Steam reforming of methane by rapid compression-expansion. Fuel, vol. 94, 2012(04).
- T. Roestenberg, M.J. Glushenkov, A.E. Kronberg, H.J. Krediet, Th.H. van der Meer. Heat transfer study of the Pulsed Compression Reactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 65, 2010.
- T. Roestenberg, M.J. Glushenkov, A.E. Kronberg, Th.H. van der Meer. On the controllability and run-away possibility of a totally free piston, pulsed compression reactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 65, 2010.
- T. Roestenberg, M.J. Glushenkov, A.E. Kronberg, A.A. Verbeek, Th.H. van der Meer. Experimental study and simulation of syngas generation from methane in the Pulsed Compression Reactor. Fuel, 90, 2011.
- T. Roestenberg. The application of a pulsed compression reactor for the generation of syngas from methane. PhD Thesis, Twente University, ISBN 978-90-365-3142-9, January 2011
- M. Glushenkov, T. Roestenberg, M. Sprenkeler, A. Kronberg. New approach to conversion of natural gas to fuels and chemicals. 9th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS 9), May 30 –June 3, 2010, Lyon, France
- Kronberg A. Pulsed compression reactor. European Roadmap of Process Intensification. Technology report. Technology Code: 3.2.4. See also European Roadmap for Process Intensification Appendix 1, Pulsed Compression Reactor. Ministry of Economic Affairs,, 2008.
- M. Glushenkov, V. Tolstov, T. Roestenberg, and A. Kronberg. Direct conversion of natural gas to ethylene, acetylene and hydrogen. 20th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE20), September 2008, Kyoto, Japan
- Maxim Glouchenkov, Alexander Kronberg. Pulsed compression: advanced technology for synthesis gas production. 8th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS8), May 2007, Natal, Brazil
- Glouchenkov M., Kronberg A. Pulsed compression: advanced technology for high temperature, high pressure processes. 19th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE19), September 3-6, 2006, Potsdam, Germany
- Glouchenkov M., Kronberg A. Pulsed compression technology: a breakthrough in production of hydrogen. 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC16), June 13 – 16 2006, Lyon, France
- Glouchenkov M., Kronberg A. Pulsed compression: advanced technology for synthesis gas production. Abstract. International Conference Gas Fuel 05, November 13-16, 2005, Brugge, Belgium
- Glouchenkov M., Kronberg A., Sint Annaland van M., and Kuipers J.A.M. Pulsed compression reactor concept for synthesis gas production. Abstracts. XVI International Conference on Chemical Reactors, 147-150, December, 1-5, 2003, Berlin, Germany
- Glouchenkov M., Kronberg A., and Veringa H. Combustion of light hydrocarbons in the free piston pulsed compression reactor. Abstracts. 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Topic 6, September, 21-25, 2003, Granada, Spain
- Glouchenkov M., and Kronberg A. Pulsed compression reactor. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Multifunctional Reactors, 246-249, 2003. August 27-29, 2003, University of Bath, U.K.
- Glouchenkov M., Kronberg A., and Veringa H. Free piston pulsed compression reactor. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 2, 983-988, 2002. 4th International Symposium on High Pressure Process Technology and Chemical Engineering, September, 22-25, 2002, Venice, Italy.
- Glouchenkov M.Y. Russian Pat., No 2097121, 29.01.1997; No 2115467, 02.12.1997; No 2142844, 05.04.1999
- Glouchenkov M.Y. Application of piston devices as chemical reactors. 1996. Manuscript registered in the Russian society of intellectual rights, No 2145, June 27, 1997 (in Russian)